Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Shameus and www.GOOP.com

This Is my first Blog, and that my lovely sweet dog Shameus, He's just here for eye candy. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to write about...I guess I'll write about all the things I want to say in my real life but can't. The Internet is like a buffer...just like being in a car. when your in a car and your pissed at someone, you simply yell and flip them off. If you were walking on the street and someone ran into you you wouldn't scream obscenities at them...or least the common person wouldn't. So I'm going to use this blog like a car. I'm going to say whatever the hell I want to whomever the hell I want because those people most likely wont even care to read this. On second thought...I'm not even mad at that many people, I'm just tired of buffering my thoughts and feelings.... Maybe this is more for self reflection. When I'm free to just write the truth usually is what comes out... or something close to it. People have some many barriers and walls put up around everything...social reasons, family reason and so on, that the truth is really had to feel, see or be sometimes. most the time. For me that is. So I guess this blog will be about self reflection. and maybe some random recipes, photos, songs and whatever else tickles my fancy. Speaking of...check out www.GOOP.com Gweneth Paltrows new website. I'm doing the seven day cleanse right now (day two). I really like her recipes and think the detox is a good idea. I add fax to my protein shakes instead of the olive oil at night thing, Better for you in my experience. If I had more money I'd do the fat flush but you have to buy all this stuff to do it. I rather stick to the cheaper version. She also gives you places to go, things to make, things to wear. Its kinda fun...I mainly just like the food part. Anyway I'm off to work. Thanks for reading.